
Teen Martial Arts
colorado Springs

"Some people dream of success while others wake up and work on it."

Best in Colorado Springs

Are you looking for a safe environment for your teenager to connect to other great teens? We are the leading teen martial arts program in Colorado and one of the top programs in the country! Why? Because we know what teenagers need to grow and develop as strong members of society. Our track record is amazing with students moving on to getting full ride scholarships and becoming leaders in their communities! Your teen will be influenced in a positive way which will help them go off into life with the skills necessary to be successful

Our Teens are Warrior Tough

A Community of Growth

Teens need a group of strong individuals to challenge them but trust in each other is vital. 3T has created a community of leaders who want more in their life than just “status quo” – they want excellence.  In the Dojo, students learn how to push through their own walls and become better people while be surrounded by others doing the same thing. It is not just about Martial Arts in our Dojo but creating a culture of Excellence and Personal Growth.


Real Practical Knowledge

Martial Arts in its pure form needs to work. The primary philosophy in our training is self-defense. There are many schools in the world that get so caught in tradition that they teach ineffective techniques. Our goal at 3T is to develop a well-rounded martial artist that can absolutely handle most any self-defense situation. We want to develop a warrior type of student that lives an honorable and respectable life and is able to stand up for what is right.

Athletics, Fitness, and Fun

We want to create a strong spirit and attitude of grit and there is no better way that through physical activity. Teenagers more than ever need a place to challenge their ever increasing physical abilities. With all the different distractions of video games, social media, and every other form of technology it is vital to a teens success to get up and sweat! Our goal is to teach them to have a love of exercise. Studies are coming out nearly every day telling us how important physical exercise is for the brain. At 3T we know that to create strong people we start with a strong body.

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What our training looks like...

What Teens Really Need!

The teenage years can either be some of the most challenging or possible the most rewarding for both the teen and their parents. It all depends on how a teen feels about themselves and others. Teens are physically living in an “adult” body but haven’t gained the judgment, emotional maturity, and impulse control that comes with years of additional life experience. Karate gives teens a safe yet challenging environment where we can help them in the areas they need most in order to become responsible, happy adults.

Benefits of our Training:

Improved Scholastic Performance:

The Focus, Attention to Detail, Motivation and Mental Toughness your teen learns in Martial Arts translates perfectly to their needs in the school classroom. They’ll have a significant edge even into high school, college, and beyond.

Personal Safety:

Good Judgment, Good Character and Advanced Decision-Making can help your teen avoid potentially dangerous situations before they happen. You and your teen can have peace of mind knowing they have the physical and mental skills to avoid conflict and defend themselves if necessary.

Handling Negative Peer Pressure:

Teens are exposed to a wide variety of positive and negative influences. The decisions they make at this age can have life-long consequences. Karate provides a safe environment where they are surrounded by good friends and positive role models. This is the safety net they need to be able to say “NO” to negative peer pressure.

1) Improved Academic Performance 

  The attributes of focus, attention to detail, goal-setting, self-motivation, determination, and perseverance that your teen learns on the martial arts floor translates perfectly to their school classrooms. They will have a significant edge in high school and on into college.

2) Valuable Life Skills 

   Our goal is to develop independent self-starters who can set and achieve goals and are unaffected by negative peer pressure. Character and life skills such as Self-Discipline, Confidence, Respect, Follow-Through, Independence, Communication, Mental Toughness, Leadership and more will remain with them forever. We’ll reinforce the character lessons you’ve been teaching them at home all these years… but it will be coming from somebody else which often makes them more open to listen and willing to apply the lessons in their lives every day.

3) Physical Fitness 

  A healthy environment with physical activity can help reduce the anxiety and stress that teens experience due to parental expectations, homework and school, social pressure from friends, and even just the time pressure of our busy lives. In addition to the benefits of healthy exercise, our focus on athleticism helps build teens’ strength, endurance, and flexibility and gives them a fitness foundation they can build on for life. At no other time will a person’s body respond to physical training like it does during this stage of life.

4) Personal Safety 

  Students learn how to defend themselves mentally and physically. Students will learn to recognize risky behaviors and how to avoid them by making advanced decisions. We will teach them what threats look like and help them learn to avoid conflict before it starts. Because of a teen’s lack of life experience, there is often added drama that comes with new experiences. We teach teens how to turn down the volume on this drama and keep themselves on an even, steady course which can drastically reduce the potential for conflict. Lastly, if all else fails we teach them the physical tools necessary to protect themselves.

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